Source code for scenicplus.eregulon_enrichment

"""Score eRegulon target genes and regions in cells using AUC algorithm.


from pycisTopic.signature_enrichment import signature_enrichment
from pyscenic.binarization import binarize
from typing import Literal, Dict, List, Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from dataclasses import dataclass
from scenicplus.scenicplus_class import SCENICPLUS

# Temporary class so old code from pycisTopic works.
# This class replaces the "CistopicImputedFeatures" from pycisTopic,
# Better rewrite the code from pycisTopic and put in seperate repo (ctxcore?).
# mtx is a numpy array storing the ranking across cells, columns should be cells and
# rows should be regions or genes.
[docs] @dataclass class ranked_data: mtx: np.ndarray feature_names: List[str] cell_names: List[str]
[docs] def rank_data( df: pd.DataFrame, axis: Literal[0, 1] = 1, seed: int = 123) -> ranked_data: """ """ # Initialize random number generator, for handling ties rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) # Function to make rankings per array def rank_scores_and_assign_random_ranking_in_range_for_ties( scores_with_ties_for_motif_or_track_numpy: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: # # Create random permutation so tied scores will have a different ranking each time. random_permutations_to_break_ties_numpy = rng.permutation( scores_with_ties_for_motif_or_track_numpy.shape[0] ) ranking_with_broken_ties_for_motif_or_track_numpy = random_permutations_to_break_ties_numpy[ (-scores_with_ties_for_motif_or_track_numpy)[ random_permutations_to_break_ties_numpy].argsort() ].argsort().astype(imputed_acc_obj_ranking_db_dtype) return ranking_with_broken_ties_for_motif_or_track_numpy # Get dtype of the scores imputed_acc_obj_ranking_db_dtype = 'uint32' mtx = df.to_numpy() ranking = np.zeros_like(mtx) if axis == 0: for i in range(mtx.shape[1]): ranking[:, i] = rank_scores_and_assign_random_ranking_in_range_for_ties( mtx[:, i]) elif axis == 1: for i in range(mtx.shape[0]): ranking[i, :] = rank_scores_and_assign_random_ranking_in_range_for_ties( mtx[i, :]) else: raise ValueError(f"Axis can only be 0 or 1 not {axis}") return ranked_data( mtx=ranking.T, feature_names=df.columns if axis == 1 else df.index, cell_names=df.index if axis == 1 else df.columns)
[docs] def get_eRegulons_as_signatures( eRegulons: pd.DataFrame ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]]: """ """ region_signatures: Dict[str, List[str]] = eRegulons.groupby("Region_signature_name")["Region"].apply( lambda x: list(set(x))).to_dict() gene_signatures: Dict[str, List[str]] = eRegulons.groupby("Gene_signature_name")["Gene"].apply( lambda x: list(set(x))).to_dict() return {"Gene_based": gene_signatures, "Region_based": region_signatures}
[docs] def score_eRegulons( eRegulons: pd.DataFrame, gex_mtx: pd.DataFrame, acc_mtx: pd.DataFrame, auc_threshold: float = 0.05, normalize: bool = False, n_cpu: int = 1 ) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """ """ eRegulon_signatures = get_eRegulons_as_signatures(eRegulons=eRegulons) gex_ranking = rank_data(gex_mtx) acc_ranking = rank_data(acc_mtx) gex_AUC = signature_enrichment( gex_ranking, eRegulon_signatures["Gene_based"], enrichment_type='gene', auc_threshold=auc_threshold, normalize=normalize, n_cpu=n_cpu) acc_AUC = signature_enrichment( acc_ranking, eRegulon_signatures["Region_based"], enrichment_type='gene', auc_threshold=auc_threshold, normalize=normalize, n_cpu=n_cpu) return {"Gene_based": gex_AUC, "Region_based": acc_AUC}
[docs] def binarize_AUC(scplus_obj: SCENICPLUS, auc_key: Optional[str] = 'eRegulon_AUC', out_key: Optional[str] = 'eRegulon_AUC_thresholds', signature_keys: Optional[List[str]] = ['Gene_based', 'Region_based'], n_cpu: Optional[int] = 1): """ Binarize eRegulons using AUCell Parameters ---------- scplus_obj: `class::SCENICPLUS` A SCENICPLUS object with eRegulons AUC. auc_key: str, optional Key where the AUC values are stored out_key: str, optional Key where the AUCell thresholds will be stored (in `scplus_obj.uns`) signature_keys: List, optional Keys to extract AUC values from. Default: ['Gene_based', 'Region_based'] n_cpu: int The number of cores to use. Default: 1 """ if not out_key in scplus_obj.uns.keys(): scplus_obj.uns[out_key] = {} for signature in signature_keys: auc_mtx = scplus_obj.uns[auc_key][signature] _, auc_thresholds = binarize(auc_mtx, num_workers=n_cpu) scplus_obj.uns[out_key][signature] = auc_thresholds