Source code for scenicplus.grn_builder.modules

"""eRegulon class stores the transcription factor together with its target regions and genes.


import attr
from typing import List, Tuple, Set
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import anndata

from scenicplus.scenicplus_class import SCENICPLUS
from scenicplus.utils import Groupby, flatten_list

SCORE_NAME_1 = "importance_x_rho"
SCORE_NAME_2 = "importance_x_abs_rho"



[docs] @attr.s(repr=False) class eRegulon(): """ An eRegulon is a gene signature that defines the target regions and genes of a Transcription Factor (TF). Parameters ---------- transcription_factor A string specifying the transcription factor of the eRegulon cistrome_name A string specifying the cistrome name is_extended A boolean specifying wether the cistromes comes from an extended annotation or not regions2genes A list of named tuples containing information on region-to-gene links (region, gene, importance score, correlation coefficient) context The context in which this eRegulon was created (this can be different threshold, activating / repressing, ...). default: frozenset() in_leading_edge A list specifying which genes are in the leading edge of a gsea analysis. default: None gsea_enrichment_score A float containing the enrichment score of a gsea analysis. default: None gsea_pval A float containing the p value of a gsea analysis. default: None gsea_adj_pval A float containing an adjusted p value of a gsea analysis. default: None Attributes ---------- target_genes returns a unique list of target genes. target_regions returns a unique list of target regions. n_target_genes returns an int containing the number of unique target genes. n_target_regions returns an int containing the number of unique target regions. See Also -------- scenicplus.grn_builder.modules.create_emodules """ transcription_factor = attr.ib(type=str) cistrome_name = attr.ib(type=str) is_extended = attr.ib(type=bool) regions2genes = attr.ib(type=List[namedtuple]) # optional context = attr.ib(default=frozenset()) in_leading_edge = attr.ib(type=List[bool], default=None) gsea_enrichment_score = attr.ib(type=float, default=None) gsea_pval = attr.ib(type=float, default=None) gsea_adj_pval = attr.ib(type=float, default=None) @regions2genes.validator def _validate_regions2genes_header(self, attribute, value): if value is not None: if all([getattr(v, '_fields', None) == None for v in value]): Warning("{} genes2weights should be a list of named tuples".format( self.transcription_factor)) if not all([v._fields == REGIONS2GENES_HEADER for v in value]): Warning("{} names of regions2genes should be: {}".format( self.transcription_factor, REGIONS2GENES_HEADER)) @regions2genes.validator def _validate_correlation_coef_same_sign(self, attribute, value): if value is not None: correlation_coefficients = [ getattr(v, CORRELATION_COEFFICIENT_NAME) for v in value] if not (all([cc <= 0 for cc in correlation_coefficients]) or all([cc >= 0 for cc in correlation_coefficients])): Warning("{} correlation coefficients of regions to genes should all have the same sign".format( self.transcription_factor)) @in_leading_edge.validator def _validate_length(self, attribute, value): if value is not None: if not len(value) == self.n_target_genes: Warning( f"in_leading_edge ({len(value)}) should have the same length as the number of target genes ({self.n_target_genes})") @property def target_genes(self): """ Return target genes of this eRegulon. """ return list(set([getattr(r2g, TARGET_GENE_NAME) for r2g in self.regions2genes])) @property def target_regions(self): """ Return target regions of this eRegulon. """ return list(set([getattr(r2g, TARGET_REGION_NAME) for r2g in self.regions2genes])) @property def n_target_genes(self): """ Return number of target genes. """ return len(self.target_genes) @property def n_target_regions(self): """ Return number of target regions. """ return len(self.target_regions)
[docs] def subset_leading_edge(self, inplace=True): """ Subset eReglon on leading edge. Parameters --------- inplace if set to True update eRegulon else return new eRegulon after subset. """ if self.in_leading_edge is not None and self.gsea_enrichment_score is not None: regions2genes_subset = [ r2g for r2g, in_le in zip(self.regions2genes, self.in_leading_edge) if in_le] in_leading_edge_subset = [ in_le for in_le in self.in_leading_edge if in_le ] if inplace: self.regions2genes = regions2genes_subset self.in_leading_edge = in_leading_edge_subset else: return eRegulon( transcription_factor=self.transcription_factor, cistrome_name=self.cistrome_name, is_extended=self.is_extended, context=self.context, regions2genes=regions2genes_subset, in_leading_edge=in_leading_edge_subset, gsea_enrichment_score=self.gsea_enrichment_score, gsea_pval=self.gsea_pval, gsea_adj_pval=self.gsea_adj_pval) else: Warning('Leading edge not defined!')
def __repr__(self) -> str: descr = f"eRegulon for TF {self.transcription_factor} in context {self.context}." descr += f"\n\tThis eRegulon has {self.n_target_regions} target regions and {self.n_target_genes} target genes." return descr
def _quantile_thr( adjacencies: pd.DataFrame, grouped: Groupby, threshold: float, min_regions_per_gene: int, temp_dir: str, context:frozenset=frozenset(), order_regions_to_genes_by:str='importance', n_cpu: int=1): """ A helper function to binarize region-to-gene links using based on quantiles of importance. Parameters ---------- adjacencies A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing region-to-gene importance scores. grouped A :class:`~scenicplus.utils.Groupby` containing group information on the `adjacencies` grouped on target region. threshold float specifying the quantile on the importance score of region-to-gene links to retain. min_regions_per_gene An int specifying a lower limit on regions per gene (after binarization) to consider for further analysis. context A frozenset containing contexts to add to the binarized results. default: frozenset() n_cpu An int specifying the number of parallel cores to use Yields ------- context, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with binarized region-to-gene links. """ def _qt(x): # function to return threshold_quantile from a vector return np.quantile(x, threshold) def _gt(x): # function to check minimum regions requirement if sum(x) >= min_regions_per_gene: return x else: return np.repeat(False, len(x)) c = frozenset(["{} quantile".format(threshold)]).union(context) # grouped = Groupby(adjacencies[TARGET_GENE_NAME].to_numpy()) #this could be moved out of the function importances = adjacencies[order_regions_to_genes_by].to_numpy() # get quantiles and threshold thresholds = grouped.apply( function=_qt, vector=importances, broadcast=True, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu) passing = importances > thresholds if min_regions_per_gene > 0: # check min regions per gene passing = grouped.apply( function=_gt, vector=passing, broadcast=True, temp_dir=temp_dir, nn_cpu=n_cpu).astype(bool) if sum(passing) > 0: df = adjacencies.loc[passing] df.index = df[TARGET_REGION_NAME] yield c, df def _top_targets( adjacencies:pd.DataFrame, grouped: Groupby, n:int, min_regions_per_gene:int, temp_dir: str, context:frozenset=frozenset(), order_regions_to_genes_by:str='importance', n_cpu:int=1): """ A helper function to binarize region-to-gene links using based on the top region-to-gene links per gene. Parameters ---------- adjacencies A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing region-to-gene importance scores. grouped A :class:`~scenicplus.utils.Groupby` containing group information on the `adjacencies` grouped on target gene. n integer specifying the top n number of region-to-gene links to retain. min_regions_per_gene An int specifying a lower limit on regions per gene (after binarization) to consider for further analysis. context A frozenset containing contexts to add to the binarized results. default: frozenset() ray_n_cpu An int specifying the number of parallel cores to use Yields ------- context, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with binarized region-to-gene links. """ def _top(x): # function to get top n entries. if len(x) >= n: return min(np.sort(x)[-n:]) else: return min(x) def _gt(x): # function to check minimum regions requirement if sum(x) >= min_regions_per_gene: return x else: return np.repeat(False, len(x)) c = frozenset( ["Top {} region-to-gene links per gene".format(n)]).union(context) # grouped = Groupby(adjacencies[TARGET_GENE_NAME].to_numpy()) #this could be moved out of the function importances = adjacencies[order_regions_to_genes_by].to_numpy() # get top n threshold thresholds = grouped.apply( function=_top, vector=importances, broadcast=True, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu) passing = importances >= thresholds if min_regions_per_gene > 0: # check min regions per gene passing = grouped.apply( function=_gt, vector=passing, broadcast=True, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu).astype(bool) if sum(passing) > 0: df = adjacencies.loc[passing] df.index = df[TARGET_REGION_NAME] yield c, df def _top_regions( adjacencies: pd.DataFrame, grouped: Groupby, n: int, temp_dir: str, min_regions_per_gene: int, context:frozenset=frozenset(), order_regions_to_genes_by:str='importance', n_cpu:int=1): """ A helper function to binarize region-to-gene links using based on the top region-to-gene links per region. Parameters ---------- adjacencies A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing region-to-gene importance scores. grouped A :class:`~scenicplus.utils.Groupby` containing group information on the `adjacencies` grouped on target region. n integer specifying the top n number of region-to-gene links to retain. min_regions_per_gene An int specifying a lower limit on regions per gene (after binarization) to consider for further analysis. context A frozenset containing contexts to add to the binarized results. default: frozenset() ray_n_cpu An int specifying the number of parallel cores to use Yields ------- context, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with binarized region-to-gene links. """ def _top(x): # function to get top n entries. if len(x) >= n: return min(np.sort(x)[-n:]) else: return min(x) def _gt(x): # function to check minimum regions requirement if sum(x) >= min_regions_per_gene: return x else: return np.repeat(False, len(x)) c = frozenset( ["Per region top {} region-to-gene links per gene".format(n)]).union(context) # grouped = Groupby(adjacencies[TARGET_REGION_NAME].to_numpy()) #this could be moved out of the function importances = adjacencies[order_regions_to_genes_by].to_numpy() # get top n threshold thresholds = grouped.apply( function=_top, vector=importances, broadcast=True, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu) passing = importances >= thresholds df = adjacencies.loc[passing] if min_regions_per_gene > 0: # check minimum target gene requirement grouped = Groupby(df[TARGET_GENE_NAME].to_numpy()) passing = grouped.apply( function=_gr, vector=passing[passing], broadcast=True, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu).astype(bool) df = df.loc[passing] df.index = df[TARGET_REGION_NAME] if len(df) > 0: yield c, df def _binarize_BASC( adjacencies:pd.DataFrame, grouped:Groupby, min_regions_per_gene:int, temp_dir:str, context:frozenset=frozenset(), order_regions_to_genes_by:str='importance', n_cpu:int=1): """ A helper function to binarize region-to-gene links using BASC For more information see: Hopfensitz M, et al. Multiscale binarization of gene expression data for reconstructing Boolean networks. IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform. 2012;9(2):487-98. Parameters ---------- adjacencies A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing region-to-gene importance scores. grouped A :class:`~scenicplus.utils.Groupby` containing group information on the `adjacencies` grouped on target gene. min_regions_per_gene An int specifying a lower limit on regions per gene (after binarization) to consider for further analysis. context A frozenset containing contexts to add to the binarized results. default: frozenset() ray_n_cpu An int specifying the number of parallel cores to use Yields ------- context, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with binarized region-to-gene links. """ from ..BASCA import binarize def _binarize_basc(x): if len(x) > 2 and not all(x == x[0]): try: threshold, _ = binarize(x, calc_p=False) return threshold except: return 0 else: # can only binarize when array is > 2 return 0 def _gt(x): # function to check minimum regions requirement if sum(x) >= min_regions_per_gene: return x else: return np.repeat(False, len(x)) c = frozenset(["BASC binarized"]).union(context) importances = adjacencies[order_regions_to_genes_by].to_numpy() # get BASC thresholds thresholds = grouped.apply( function=_binarize_basc, vector=importances, broadcast=True, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu) passing = importances > thresholds if min_regions_per_gene > 0: # check min regions per gene passing = grouped.apply( function=_gt, vector=passing, broadcast=True, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu).astype(bool) if sum(passing) > 0: df = adjacencies.loc[passing] df.index = df[TARGET_REGION_NAME] yield c, df def create_emodules( region_to_gene: pd.DataFrame, cistromes: anndata.AnnData, is_extended: bool, temp_dir: str, order_regions_to_genes_by: str = 'importance', quantiles: tuple = (0.85, 0.90), top_n_regionTogenes_per_gene: tuple = (5, 10, 15), top_n_regionTogenes_per_region: tuple = (), binarize_using_basc: bool = False, min_regions_per_gene: int = 0, rho_dichotomize: bool = True, keep_only_activating: bool = False, rho_threshold: float = RHO_THRESHOLD, disable_tqdm=False, n_cpu=None,) -> Tuple[Set[str], List[eRegulon]]: # Set up multiple thresholding methods to threshold region to gene relationships def iter_thresholding(adj:pd.DataFrame, context: frozenset): grouped_adj_by_gene = Groupby(adj[TARGET_GENE_NAME].to_numpy()) grouped_adj_by_region = Groupby(adj[TARGET_REGION_NAME].to_numpy()) yield from chain( chain.from_iterable( _quantile_thr( adjacencies=adj, grouped=grouped_adj_by_gene, threshold=thr, min_regions_per_gene=min_regions_per_gene, context=context, order_regions_to_genes_by=order_regions_to_genes_by, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu) for thr in quantiles), chain.from_iterable( _top_targets( adjacencies=adj, grouped=grouped_adj_by_gene, n=n, min_regions_per_gene=min_regions_per_gene, context=context, order_regions_to_genes_by=order_regions_to_genes_by, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu) for n in top_n_regionTogenes_per_gene), chain.from_iterable( _top_regions( adjacencies=adj, grouped=grouped_adj_by_region, n=n, min_regions_per_gene=min_regions_per_gene, context=context, order_regions_to_genes_by=order_regions_to_genes_by, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu) for n in top_n_regionTogenes_per_region), _binarize_BASC( adjacencies=adj, grouped=grouped_adj_by_gene, min_regions_per_gene=min_regions_per_gene, context=context, order_regions_to_genes_by=order_regions_to_genes_by, temp_dir=temp_dir, n_cpu=n_cpu) if binarize_using_basc else []) # Split positive and negative correlation coefficients, if rho_dichotomize == True if rho_dichotomize: repressing_adj = region_to_gene.loc[ region_to_gene[CORRELATION_COEFFICIENT_NAME] < -rho_threshold] activating_adj = region_to_gene.loc[ region_to_gene[CORRELATION_COEFFICIENT_NAME] > rho_threshold] r2g_iter = chain( iter_thresholding(repressing_adj, frozenset(['negative r2g'])), iter_thresholding(activating_adj, frozenset(['positive r2g'])),) else: # don't split if keep_only_activating: r2g_iter = iter_thresholding(region_to_gene.loc[ region_to_gene[CORRELATION_COEFFICIENT_NAME] > rho_threshold], context = frozenset(['positive r2g'])) else: r2g_iter = iter_thresholding( region_to_gene, context = frozenset(['all r2g'])) # Calculate the number of parameters. # this will be used later on in the progress bar (i.e. to know the total amount of # things to process) n_params = sum([len(quantiles) if not type(quantiles) == float else 1, len(top_n_regionTogenes_per_gene) if not type( top_n_regionTogenes_per_gene) == int else 1, len(top_n_regionTogenes_per_region) if not type(top_n_regionTogenes_per_region) == int else 1]) total_iter = (2 * (n_params + (binarize_using_basc * 1)) ) if rho_dichotomize else (n_params + (binarize_using_basc * 1)) relevant_tfs = [] eRegulons = [] mtx_cistromes:pd.DataFrame = cistromes.to_df() for context, r2g_df in tqdm(r2g_iter, total=total_iter, disable=disable_tqdm): for TF_name in tqdm( mtx_cistromes.columns, total=len(mtx_cistromes.columns), desc=f"\u001b[32;1mProcessing:\u001b[0m {', '.join(context)}", leave=False, disable=disable_tqdm): regions_enriched_for_TF_motif = mtx_cistromes.index[ mtx_cistromes[TF_name]] r2g_df_enriched_for_TF_motif = r2g_df.loc[list(set( regions_enriched_for_TF_motif) & set(r2g_df.index))] if len(r2g_df_enriched_for_TF_motif) > 0: relevant_tfs.append(TF_name) eRegulons.append( eRegulon( transcription_factor=TF_name, cistrome_name=f"{TF_name}" + ("_extended" if is_extended else "_direct") + "_({len(r2g_df_enriched_for_TF_motif)}r)", is_extended=is_extended, regions2genes=list(r2g_df_enriched_for_TF_motif[list( REGIONS2GENES_HEADER)].itertuples(index=False, name='r2g')), context=context.union(frozenset(['Cistromes'])))) return set(relevant_tfs), eRegulons def _merge_single_TF(l_e_modules): """ Helper function to merge list of :class:`eRegulon` coming from a single transcription factor Parameters ---------- l_e_modules list of :class:`eRegulon` to merge Returns ------- A :class: `eRegulon` """ transcription_factor = set([em.transcription_factor for em in l_e_modules]) if len(transcription_factor) > 1: raise ValueError('l_e_modules should only contain a single TF') else: transcription_factor = list(transcription_factor)[0] cistrome_name = set([em.cistrome_name for em in l_e_modules]) if len(cistrome_name) > 1: cistrome_name = ', '.join(cistrome_name) else: cistrome_name = list(cistrome_name)[0] is_extended = set([em.is_extended for em in l_e_modules]) if len(is_extended) > 1: raise ValueError( 'l_e_modules should either contain eRegulons which are direct or extended not both.') else: is_extended = list(is_extended)[0] regions2genes_merged = list( set(flatten_list([em.regions2genes for em in np.array(l_e_modules)]))) context = frozenset(flatten_list([em.context for em in l_e_modules])) return eRegulon( transcription_factor=transcription_factor, cistrome_name=cistrome_name, is_extended=is_extended, regions2genes=regions2genes_merged, context=context) def _merge_across_TF(i): """ Helper function to merge list of :class:`eRegulon` coming from multiple single transcription factor Parameters ---------- l_e_modules list of :class:`eRegulon` to merge Yields ------- A :class: `eRegulon` """ for l_e_modules in i: l_e_modules = np.array(l_e_modules) TFs = [em.transcription_factor for em in l_e_modules] if len(TFs) > 0: grouped = Groupby(TFs) for idx in grouped.indices: yield _merge_single_TF(l_e_modules[idx]) else: yield [] def _rho_dichotomize(i): for l_e_modules in i: TF2G_pos_R2G_pos_ems = [em for em in l_e_modules if ( 'positive tf2g' in em.context and 'positive r2g' in em.context)] TF2G_pos_R2G_neg_ems = [em for em in l_e_modules if ( 'positive tf2g' in em.context and 'negative r2g' in em.context)] TF2G_neg_R2G_pos_ems = [em for em in l_e_modules if ( 'negative tf2g' in em.context and 'positive r2g' in em.context)] TF2G_neg_R2G_neg_ems = [em for em in l_e_modules if ( 'negative tf2g' in em.context and 'negative r2g' in em.context)] iter_emodules = [ TF2G_pos_R2G_pos_ems, TF2G_pos_R2G_neg_ems, TF2G_neg_R2G_pos_ems, TF2G_neg_R2G_neg_ems ] for e_modules in iter_emodules: yield e_modules def _split_direct_indirect(l_e_modules): direct_ems = [em for em in l_e_modules if not em.is_extended] extended_ems = [em for em in l_e_modules if em.is_extended] for e_modules in [direct_ems, extended_ems]: yield e_modules
[docs] def merge_emodules(SCENICPLUS_obj: SCENICPLUS = None, e_modules: list = None, e_modules_key: str = 'eRegulons', rho_dichotomize: bool = True, key_to_add: str = 'eRegulons', inplace: bool = True): """ Function to merge list of :class:`eRegulon` Parameters ---------- SCENICPLUS_obj An instance of :class: `~scenicplus.scenicplus_class.SCENICPLUS`, containing eRegulons in slot .uns. default: None e_modules A list of :class:`eRegulon`. default: None e_modules_key A string key specifying where to find a list of :class:`eRegulon` under .uns slot of`SCENICPLUS_obj`. default: "eRegulons" rho_dichotomize A boolean specifying wether or not to split region-to-gene links based on postive/negative correlation coefficients. default: True key_to_add A string key specifying where to store the list of merged :class:`eRegulon` in the .uns slot of `SCENICPLUS_obj`. inplace A boolean if set to True update the `SCENICPLUS_obj` otherwise return list of merged :class:`eRegulon` """ # check input if SCENICPLUS_obj is not None: if e_modules_key not in SCENICPLUS_obj.uns.keys(): raise ValueError(f'No e-modules found under key: {e_modules_key}.') e_modules = SCENICPLUS_obj.uns[e_modules_key] if SCENICPLUS_obj is not None else e_modules if rho_dichotomize: iter_merger = _merge_across_TF( _rho_dichotomize(_split_direct_indirect(e_modules))) else: iter_merger = _merge_across_TF(_split_direct_indirect(e_modules)) if inplace: SCENICPLUS_obj.uns[key_to_add] = [eReg for eReg in iter_merger] else: return [eReg for eReg in iter_merger]