Source code for scenicplus.plotting.correlation_plot

"""Plot correlation and overlap of eRegulons


from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram, fcluster
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
from typing import List, Tuple
from typing import Optional, Union
import sklearn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import combinations

from ..scenicplus_class import SCENICPLUS
from ..utils import p_adjust_bh, flatten_list

[docs] def correlation_heatmap(scplus_obj: SCENICPLUS, auc_key: Optional[str] = 'eRegulon_AUC', signature_keys: Optional[List[str]] = ['Gene_based', 'Region_based'], scale: Optional[bool] = False, linkage_method: Optional[str] = 'average', fcluster_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.1, selected_regulons: Optional[List[int]] = None, cmap: Optional[str] = 'viridis', plotly_height: Optional[int] = 1000, fontsize: Optional[int] = 3, save: Optional[str] = None, use_plotly: Optional[int] = True, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = (20, 20) ): """ Plot correlation between eRegulons enrichment, Parameters --------- scplus_obj: `class::SCENICPLUS` A SCENICPLUS object with eRegulons AUC computed. auc_key: str, optional Key to extract AUC values from. Default: 'eRegulon_AUC' signature_keys: List, optional Keys to extract AUC values from. Default: ['Gene_based', 'Region_based'] scale: bool, optional Whether to scale the enrichments prior to the dimensionality reduction. Default: False linkage_method: str, optional Linkage method to use for clustering. See `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`. fcluster_threshold: float, optional Threshold to use to divide hierarchical clustering into clusters. See `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fcluster`. selected_regulons: list, optional A list with selected regulons to be used for clustering. Default: None (use all regulons) cmap: str or '', optional For continuous variables, color map to use for the legend color bar. Default: cm.viridis plotly_height: int, optional Height of the plotly plot. Width will be adjusted accordingly fontsize: int, optional Labels fontsize save: str, optional Path to save heatmap as file use_plotly: bool, optional Use plotly or seaborn to generate the image figsize: tupe, optional Matplotlib figsize, used only if use_plotly == False """ if scale: data_mat = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit_transform( scplus_obj.uns[auc_key][x].T), index=scplus_obj.uns[auc_key][x].T.index.to_list(), columns=scplus_obj.uns[auc_key][x].T.columns) for x in signature_keys]).T else: data_mat = pd.concat([scplus_obj.uns[auc_key][x] for x in signature_keys], axis=1) if selected_regulons is not None: subset = [x for x in selected_regulons if x in data_mat.columns] data_mat = data_mat[subset] # check if some eRegulon AUC are all 0 and remove them all_zero_eregs = data_mat.columns[np.where(data_mat.sum(0) == 0)] if len(all_zero_eregs) > 0: print( f"Following eregulons have an AUC value of all zero and will be removed: {', '.join(all_zero_eregs)}") data_mat.drop(all_zero_eregs, axis=1, inplace=True) correlations = data_mat.corr() similarity = 1 - correlations # use np.clip: due to floating point impercisions some very small values become negative, clip them to 0 Z = linkage(np.clip(squareform(similarity), 0, similarity.to_numpy().max()), linkage_method) # Clusterize the data labels = fcluster(Z, fcluster_threshold) # Keep the indices to sort labels labels_order = np.argsort(labels) # Build a new dataframe with the sorted columns for idx, i in enumerate(data_mat.columns[labels_order]): if idx == 0: clustered = pd.DataFrame(data_mat[i]) else: df_to_append = pd.DataFrame(data_mat[i]) clustered = pd.concat([clustered, df_to_append], axis=1) correlations = clustered.corr() if use_plotly: fig = px.imshow(clustered.corr(), color_continuous_scale=cmap) fig.update_layout( height=plotly_height, # Added parameter legend={'itemsizing': 'trace'}, plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', yaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=fontsize)), xaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=fontsize)), ) if save is not None: fig.write_image(save) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) sns.heatmap( data=correlations, cmap=cmap, square=True, ax=ax, robust=True, cbar_kws={"shrink": .50, 'label': 'Correlation'}, xticklabels=False) if save is not None: fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save) plt.close(fig)
def _jaccard(signature1, signature2): s_signature1 = set(signature1) s_signature2 = set(signature2) intersect = len(s_signature1 & s_signature2) union = len(s_signature1) + len(s_signature2) - intersect return intersect / union def _intersect_norm_by_one(signature1, signature2): s_signature1 = set(signature1) s_signature2 = set(signature2) intersect = len(s_signature1 & s_signature2) return intersect / len(s_signature1) from scipy.stats import fisher_exact def _fisher_exact_sign(signature1, signature2, total): overlap = len(signature1 & signature2) contingency_table = np.array( [ [total - len(signature1) - len(signature2), len(signature1) - overlap], [len(signature2) - overlap, overlap] ]) return fisher_exact(contingency_table, alternative = 'greater')
[docs] def jaccard_heatmap(scplus_obj: SCENICPLUS, method: str = 'jaccard', gene_or_region_based: str = 'Gene_based', signature_key: Optional[str] = 'eRegulon_signatures', selected_regulons: Optional[List[int]] = None, linkage_method: Optional[str] = 'average', fcluster_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.1, cmap: Optional[str] = 'viridis', plotly_height: Optional[int] = 1000, fontsize: Optional[int] = 3, save: Optional[str] = None, use_plotly: Optional[int] = True, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = (20, 20), vmin=None, vmax=None, return_data = False ): """ Plot jaccard index of regions/genes Parameters --------- scplus_obj: `class::SCENICPLUS` A SCENICPLUS object with eRegulon signatures. method: str Wether to use Jaccard (jaccard) or normalized intersection (intersect) as metric gene_or_region_based: str Gene_based or Region_based eRegulon signatures to use. signature_key: List, optional Key to extract eRegulon signatures from selected_regulons: list, optional A list with selected regulons to be used for clustering. Default: None (use all regulons) linkage_method: str, optional Linkage method to use for clustering. See `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`. fcluster_threshold: float, optional Threshold to use to divide hierarchical clustering into clusters. See `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fcluster`. cmap: str or '', optional For continuous variables, color map to use for the legend color bar. Default: cm.viridis plotly_height: int, optional Height of the plotly plot. Width will be adjusted accordingly fontsize: int, optional Labels fontsize save: str, optional Path to save heatmap as file use_plotly: bool, optional Use plotly or seaborn to generate the image figsize: tupe, optional Matplotlib figsize, used only if use_plotly == False return_data: boolean, optional Return data plot_dendrogram: boolean, optional """ signatures = scplus_obj.uns[signature_key][gene_or_region_based] if selected_regulons is not None: signatures = {k: signatures[k] for k in signatures.keys() if k in selected_regulons} signatures_names = list(signatures.keys()) sign_combinations = list(combinations(signatures_names, 2)) n_signatures = len(signatures_names) jaccards = np.zeros((n_signatures, n_signatures)) for signature_1, signature_2 in sign_combinations: idx_1 = signatures_names.index(signature_1) idx_2 = signatures_names.index(signature_2) if method == 'jaccard': jaccards[idx_1, idx_2] = _jaccard( signatures[signature_1], signatures[signature_2]) jaccards[idx_2, idx_1] = _jaccard( signatures[signature_2], signatures[signature_1]) elif method == 'intersect': jaccards[idx_1, idx_2] = _intersect_norm_by_one( signatures[signature_1], signatures[signature_2]) jaccards[idx_2, idx_1] = _intersect_norm_by_one( signatures[signature_2], signatures[signature_1]) np.fill_diagonal(jaccards, 1) similarity = 1 - jaccards Z = linkage(similarity, linkage_method) # Clusterize the data labels = fcluster(Z, fcluster_threshold) # Keep the indices to sort labels labels_order = np.argsort(labels) clustered_jaccard_df = pd.DataFrame( jaccards, index=signatures_names, columns=signatures_names).iloc[labels_order, labels_order] if use_plotly: fig = px.imshow(clustered_jaccard_df, color_continuous_scale=cmap) fig.update_layout( height=plotly_height, # Added parameter legend={'itemsizing': 'trace'}, plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', yaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=fontsize)), xaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=fontsize)), ) if save is not None: fig.write_image(save) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) sns.heatmap( data=clustered_jaccard_df, cmap=cmap, square=False, ax=ax, robust=True, cbar_kws={"shrink": .50, 'label': 'Jaccard'}, xticklabels=False, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if save is not None: fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save) plt.close(fig) if return_data: return clustered_jaccard_df, Z
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact def _fisher_exact_sign(signature1, signature2, total): overlap = len(signature1 & signature2) contingency_table = np.array( [ [total - len(signature1) - len(signature2), len(signature1) - overlap], [len(signature2) - overlap, overlap] ]) return fisher_exact(contingency_table, alternative = 'greater')
[docs] def fisher_exact_test_heatmap( scplus_obj, gene_or_region_based: str = 'Gene_based', signature_key: Optional[str] = 'eRegulon_signatures', selected_regulons: Optional[List[int]] = None, linkage_method: Optional[str] = 'average', fcluster_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.1, cmap: Optional[str] = 'viridis', plotly_height: Optional[int] = 1000, fontsize: Optional[int] = 3, save: Optional[str] = None, use_plotly: Optional[int] = True, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = (20, 20), vmin=None, vmax=None, return_data = False): """ Plot jaccard index of regions/genes Parameters --------- scplus_obj: `class::SCENICPLUS` A SCENICPLUS object with eRegulon signatures. method: str Wether to use Jaccard (jaccard) or normalized intersection (intersect) as metric gene_or_region_based: str Gene_based or Region_based eRegulon signatures to use. signature_key: List, optional Key to extract eRegulon signatures from selected_regulons: list, optional A list with selected regulons to be used for clustering. Default: None (use all regulons) linkage_method: str, optional Linkage method to use for clustering. See `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`. fcluster_threshold: float, optional Threshold to use to divide hierarchical clustering into clusters. See `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fcluster`. cmap: str or '', optional For continuous variables, color map to use for the legend color bar. Default: cm.viridis plotly_height: int, optional Height of the plotly plot. Width will be adjusted accordingly fontsize: int, optional Labels fontsize save: str, optional Path to save heatmap as file use_plotly: bool, optional Use plotly or seaborn to generate the image figsize: tupe, optional Matplotlib figsize, used only if use_plotly == False return_data: boolean, optional Return data plot_dendrogram: boolean, optional """ signatures = scplus_obj.uns[signature_key][gene_or_region_based] if selected_regulons is not None: signatures = {k: signatures[k] for k in signatures.keys() if k in selected_regulons} signatures_names = list(signatures.keys()) sign_combinations = list(combinations(signatures_names, 2)) n_signatures = len(signatures_names) fisher_exact_values = np.zeros((n_signatures, n_signatures)) fisher_exact_pvalues = np.ones((n_signatures, n_signatures)) total_elements = len(set(flatten_list(scplus_obj.uns[signature_key][gene_or_region_based].values()))) for signature_1, signature_2 in sign_combinations: idx_1 = signatures_names.index(signature_1) idx_2 = signatures_names.index(signature_2) test_result = _fisher_exact_sign(set(signatures[signature_1]), set(signatures[signature_2]), total_elements) fisher_exact_values[idx_1, idx_2] = test_result[0] fisher_exact_values[idx_2, idx_1] = test_result[0] fisher_exact_pvalues[idx_1, idx_2] = test_result[1] fisher_exact_pvalues[idx_2, idx_1] = test_result[1] pvals = fisher_exact_pvalues[np.triu_indices(fisher_exact_pvalues.shape[0], k = 1)] p_adj = p_adjust_bh(pvals) p_adj_mat = np.zeros((fisher_exact_pvalues.shape[0],fisher_exact_pvalues.shape[0])) p_adj_mat[np.triu_indices(p_adj_mat.shape[0], k = 1)] = p_adj p_adj_mat = p_adj_mat + p_adj_mat.T similarity = 1 - (fisher_exact_values - fisher_exact_values.min()) / (fisher_exact_values.max() - fisher_exact_values.min()) Z = linkage(similarity, linkage_method) # Clusterize the data labels = fcluster(Z, fcluster_threshold) # Keep the indices to sort labels labels_order = np.argsort(labels) clustered_jaccard_df = pd.DataFrame( fisher_exact_values, index=signatures_names, columns=signatures_names).iloc[labels_order, labels_order] p_adj_df = pd.DataFrame( p_adj_mat, index = signatures_names, columns=signatures_names).iloc[labels_order, labels_order] if use_plotly: fig = px.imshow(clustered_jaccard_df, color_continuous_scale=cmap) fig.update_layout( height=plotly_height, # Added parameter legend={'itemsizing': 'trace'}, plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', yaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=fontsize)), xaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=fontsize)), ) if save is not None: fig.write_image(save) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) sns.heatmap( data=clustered_jaccard_df, cmap=cmap, square=False, ax=ax, robust=True, cbar_kws={"shrink": .50, 'label': 'Jaccard'}, xticklabels=False, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if save is not None: fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save) plt.close(fig) if return_data: return clustered_jaccard_df,p_adj_df, Z